2023.7.14 - 8.5

Being is happiness. 

Being: Becoming a fountain, 

a fountain on which the universe falls like warm rain.

from Milan Kundera(1929~) [Immortality](1990)

Austyn Taylor's sculptures are a mixture of cultures from different places and times. In early works, icons of ancient culture and modern times were expressed in a direct eclectic form, and in recent works, elements of multiculturalism meet in subtle and meticulous manner. Her works are an amalgamation of ancient and modern art images, folk art and pop art, character animation and hand-made sculptures, evoking subtle humor. Although often not harmonious, it symbolically shows the fact that 'everything exists as a collection of multiple things'. Realism and optimism coexist as important values in her sculptures.

Austyn Taylor studied art and philosophy at university. Since 2016, she has been working with artists from various countries while staying in art residency in various cultures such as the United States, Denmark, and China.