2022.6.17 - 7.9

The bird fights its way out of the egg. 
The egg is the world. 
Who would be born must first destroy a world. 
The bird flies to God. 
That God's name is Abraxas

From Hermann Karl Hesse(1877~1962), [Demian], 1919

Yerin Jang's paintings start with herself. When she first started painting, she focused on her dark inner self. The little girl, expressed in black, is an imperfect being, revealing the fragility and powerlessness of human beings. It was the prototype of fear. Then one day, the girl began to wear a mask. The gorgeously dressed girl staring straight ahead is dazzling as if virtual, but it did not completely deviate from the artist's inner truth in that it was the product of her desire to communicate with society. And now, Yerin Jang started painting a figure that exists somewhere between the two.

She stands on the border between a girl and an adult. Even though she wears a beautiful mask, she now know that the shadow in the deep and narrow well that exists inside herself does not disappear, and that the mask is a part of her, even if it is a compromise. Just as life and death, truth and lies, light and darkness are always together. The mask and the shadow began to face each other. Beauty shines in mysterious background with secret objects. And ambiguity breeds rich imagination. Through the interaction of opposites, she progresses to the individual of mature consciousness. Towards Abraxas, the god united in one being and awe-inspiring being, which Carl Gustav Jung spoke of.

1. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Pers¨onlichkeit und ¨Ubertragung
2. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Seven Sermons to the Dead, 1916